

What to do when your property goes UNCONDITIONAL/SOLD :) in Eagle. /NZRET lawyer emails req’d

After you have marked the contract as “all conditions met” by ticking the box at the top on the contract area follow these steps.


NOTE :As soon as you marked it “All conditions met” a automation was triggered to let accounts know you have sold a property. Account will send the deposit information to your buyers if a deposit is due. They will let you know once done.

NOTE If you have the congratulations emails set as enabled in your automations, Eagle will automatically send those to the Buyer and Seller. (See the automation – 0. HQ 4 Sold/Confirmed Stage: Upon Sold Auto Congrats Buyer and Seller and decide if you want to enable this and change any wording on your congratulations emails. 


1. Go to the listing (It will now be on the sold tab/not Current Properties along the top)


2. Go to the Listing Details tab on the listing. An automation would have marked it as sold but you need to load the sale date and sale price.


3. For the deposit release the NZRET need specific emails with specific wording approval from the lawyers. (Only the Buyers lawyer if a normal 10 day release, but a response from both Buyer and Vendors lawyers if they are seeking early release. 

Because only you will know if early release is required or it is just a normal 10 day release you will need to send the correct emails to the lawyers. 


We have set up automations for you to manually trigger depending on the situation. You send the emails and as soon as you get the response you can just forward the email to accounts and they will load the documentation into the NZRET system and manage the release. 


1. Click on +NEW on the top bar at the right

2. + Start Automation

3. In the Automation dropdown box start typing NZRET,  All the NZRET options will pop up. Select the one you need. Most likely either 000. NZRET: Held for 10 Days in trust to both lawyers/only notify V lawyer or the EARLY release request. (There are also unit title emails with different wording but these are rarely used.


4. It’s important that you then start at Step 2. Send an email. (This bypasses a wait step that it needed to have these sitting here waiting for you to trigger them)


5. It is also very important that you now associate the listing and contract so the email address of the lawyers and the property details populate into your emails. Mark sure you click on to the association tab and select both the listing and the contract.

6. Now you just need to make sure you have Run now selected and hit start. This will send the 2 emails to both lawyers. See below for the wording. Make sure that when you loaded the contract and added the solicitors if you needed to that you added an email address to the contact records for the solicitors otherwise the emails will not go. 


7. You can always go to the listing dashboard to see the emails that have been sent.


8. If you want to manual send these emails via templates instead/ or you need to resent one of the emails you can use.
From the +NEW
+New Email

All the email templates are there but you will have to remember to associate the listing and the contract to ensure all the fields populate and then select the correct solicitor as a recipient of both separate emails.

This would be a way for you to resend a email of needed.

It would be a good idea for you to go into the email templates and look at the wording of the 4 most used emails. YOu can do this by switching between the templates and when you have associated the listing and contract all the wording will appear in the email section.


Let me know if you have trouble or any questions.


After you have marked the contract as “all conditions met” by ticking the box at the top on the contract area follow these steps.


NOTE :As soon as you marked it “All conditions met” a automation was triggered to let accounts know you have sold a property. Account will send the deposit information to your buyers if a deposit is due. They will let you know once done.

NOTE If you have the congratulations emails set as enabled in your automations, Eagle will automatically send those to the Buyer and Seller. (See the automation – 0. HQ 4 Sold/Confirmed Stage: Upon Sold Auto Congrats Buyer and Seller and decide if you want to enable this and change any wording on your congratulations emails. 


1. Go to the listing (It will now be on the sold tab/not Current Properties along the top)


2. Go to the Listing Details tab on the listing. An automation would have marked it as sold but you need to load the sale date and sale price.


3. For the deposit release the NZRET need specific emails with specific wording approval from the lawyers. (Only the Buyers lawyer if a normal 10 day release, but a response from both Buyer and Vendors lawyers if they are seeking early release. 

Because only you will know if early release is required or it is just a normal 10 day release you will need to send the correct emails to the lawyers. 


We have set up automations for you to manually trigger depending on the situation. You send the emails and as soon as you get the response you can just forward the email to accounts and they will load the documentation into the NZRET system and manage the release. 


1. Click on +NEW on the top bar at the right

2. + Start Automation

3. In the Automation dropdown box start typing NZRET,  All the NZRET options will pop up. Select the one you need. Most likely either 000. NZRET: Held for 10 Days in trust to both lawyers/only notify V lawyer or the EARLY release request. (There are also unit title emails with different wording but these are rarely used.


4. It’s important that you then start at Step 2. Send an email. (This bypasses a wait step that it needed to have these sitting here waiting for you to trigger them)


5. It is also very important that you now associate the listing and contract so the email address of the lawyers and the property details populate into your emails. Mark sure you click on to the association tab and select both the listing and the contract.

6. Now you just need to make sure you have Run now selected and hit start. This will send the 2 emails to both lawyers. See below for the wording. Make sure that when you loaded the contract and added the solicitors if you needed to that you added an email address to the contact records for the solicitors otherwise the emails will not go. 


7. You can always go to the listing dashboard to see the emails that have been sent.


8. If you want to manual send these emails via templates instead/ or you need to resent one of the emails you can use.
From the +NEW
+New Email

All the email templates are there but you will have to remember to associate the listing and the contract to ensure all the fields populate and then select the correct solicitor as a recipient of both separate emails.

This would be a way for you to resend a email of needed.

It would be a good idea for you to go into the email templates and look at the wording of the 4 most used emails. YOu can do this by switching between the templates and when you have associated the listing and contract all the wording will appear in the email section.


Let me know if you have trouble or any questions.