

Keith Clauses for marketing monies funded by SP

There is a marketing panel in the listing agreement now so whatever $ value of marketing that the vendor agrees to at the outset of the campaign should just be written in – eg. $3000 plus GST as example.
However, if you are going to rebate 50-100% of this upon successful sale, then these words are suitable –
“The agency agrees to refund xx% of the marketing budget to the vendor upon unconditional sale of the property and disbursement of the deposit.”
If you are going to provide marketing free of charge at the beginning (I never do myself), then you will want a clause that says,  “The vendor agrees to immediately  reimburse the marketing budget to the agency if the property does not sell or is withdrawn from the market.”
“The vendor agrees to immediately reimburse xx% of the marketing budget to the agency if the property does not sell or is withdrawn from the market.”
There is a marketing panel in the listing agreement now so whatever $ value of marketing that the vendor agrees to at the outset of the campaign should just be written in – eg. $3000 plus GST as example.
However, if you are going to rebate 50-100% of this upon successful sale, then these words are suitable –
“The agency agrees to refund xx% of the marketing budget to the vendor upon unconditional sale of the property and disbursement of the deposit.”
If you are going to provide marketing free of charge at the beginning (I never do myself), then you will want a clause that says,  “The vendor agrees to immediately  reimburse the marketing budget to the agency if the property does not sell or is withdrawn from the market.”
“The vendor agrees to immediately reimburse xx% of the marketing budget to the agency if the property does not sell or is withdrawn from the market.”